Privacy Policy

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Welcome to Disblock's Privacy Policy. Protecting your personal information is important to us, and we want to be transparent about how we collect, use, and disclose it. This Privacy Policy explains our practices and procedures with respect to personal information collected through the use of our bot and website. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to understand our policies and practices regarding your personal information. By using Disblock's Services, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at Thank you for using Disblock!

Information we collect, and why

  • Users' IP addresses

    • We collect IP addresses to monitor and prevent abuse of our Services.

  • Users' Discord ID, and tokens

    • IDs are used to represent the user across the Services.

    • Usernames and avatars are cached during the session, but are deleted once you log out the website.

    • Tokens are used to log users in on the website and get information about users and their servers from Third-Party Services.

  • Servers' ID

    • When the bot is added to a new server, we store the ID of this server in order to represent this server across the Services.

    • We may store for a very short term the server name, icon, and Users' permissions on Servers.

    • Disblock never store content of messages, or anything else related to your server, except information specified here.

  • Content generated bu Users

    • We store workspaces created by users, which are used by the bot to realize actions and commands.

The Bot can access the content of messages that are sent on your Discord server. However, the content of messages if only read by the bot when you use the "Get message content" block in your editor. In all cases, we will never read, store or use the content of your messages for any purpose other than providing the functionality of the bot and fulfilling its intended purpose on your Discord server. Messages' content are never saved automatically, but only if you choose to save them in a data storage, in the editor.

How we store collected data

Disblock stores all data in a PostgreSQL database hosted in Germany. We take data security and privacy very seriously, and have implemented measures to ensure that personal data is stored safely and securely. Users' tokens, which allow to access personal data from Third-Party Services are encrypted in the database. Information that need to be stored for a short term are stored using Redis.

We will never share your personal data to Third-Party Services, except when necessary to comply with applicable law.

How long do we store data ?

The data is stored as long as you use the Services. You can request the deletion of your data at any time.

How to access, update or delete my personal data

We believe that users should have control over their own data. If you would like to access, update, or delete your personal data that is stored by Disblock, you can do so by sending an email to or contacting us on the support server.

We will respond to all requests as soon as possible, generally within a week. Please note that some data may be necessary for us to provide the Services to you, and we may not be able to delete all data if it is required for legal or regulatory purposes.

Last updated